OOnline guest experience at 'De zorgboog'

Guestcompass in healthcare

Care organization De Zorgboog went on an 'expedition' in 2017 to gain more insight into what the (residential) care landscape will look like in 2030. Which concepts are being used? Who pays for it? What role does technology play? What do the customers themselves want? In early 2018, a trial was initiated in collaboration with Bureauvijftig using GuestCompass at Moeraseik, a Zorgboog location in Helmond with 44 spacious homes.

Front desk aanvragen


For Moeraseik, the same applies as for all care locations in the Netherlands: the shortage of personnel is increasing. To still age comfortably, embracing technology can be helpful, and it is necessary for seniors to care for and support each other to create a pleasant and safe living environment. De Zorgboog sees it as their responsibility to facilitate the desired 'community' (based on the CCV model - contact, comfort, and safety).


GuestCompass and De Zorgboog want to investigate whether it is possible to enhance the cohesion among residents and between residents and the organization by using a digital platform. After an initial trial at Moeraseik, the experiment was expanded to two other locations of De Zorgboog.

Zorg test
Zorgcompass scaled

Healthcare organisation 'De Zorgboog'

De Zorgboog is an organization providing nursing, care, and housing services in the Helmond region. People of all ages can turn to De Zorgboog for services such as prenatal care, maternity care, youth health care, nutrition and dietary advice, assisted living, rehabilitation, nursing, care, and end-of-life care. De Zorgboog employs approximately 2,800 staff members and more than 1,000 volunteers. For more information about the use of GuestCompass in healthcare, please feel free to contact us!
